If you receive unfermented juice from another winery, you’ll need to enter it as a bulk wine intake. Because the fruit was not processed at your winery, you won’t receive the fruit and crush it in your system.
When you use the Bulk Wine Intake operation, enter the intake details such as the origin composition as you normally would. Since this is an unfermented juice, be sure to set the Ferment State and the Malolactic State on the General - Wine Details tab to Unfermented.
In the General - Costing & Labs tab, be sure to select Non-Declared for the Tax State.
This results in an unfermented juice in the tank that you received it into. The received juice will be reported in Part IV (Summary of Materials Received and Used), row 2, column C of the TTB Report. Because vintrace assumes that you’ll use all this juice for wine production, it’ll also be reported in Part IV, row 5.
The volume will be entered into Part VII (In Fermenters End of Period), row 1, column A.
If you don’t use all the juice for wine production and want to report it differently on the 5120.17, you’ll need to make manual adjustments based on how much was dispatched.
Follow the same ferment workflow that you’d use for juice that was crushed from a fruit intake. When the juice is fermented and declared, vintrace reports it in Part I, Section A, row 2 in the Tax class column you used for a normal fermentation.
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