You can generate a TTB Report (5120.17) from vintrace. If you need to make corrections in vintrace, you can re-run the report as many times as needed until you’re ready to submit the final version.
To break down the gallons used in the TTB Report and view the individual batches/lots that were used, run the Tax Breakdown Report.
You can save the report to a PDF file that’s editable so you can add explanations on losses, and add spirits or concentrates which currently aren’t in our current version.
The Guide to Form 5120.17 on the official TTB website is an excellent guide to the TTB Report.
Running the TTB Report
To run the TTB Report (5120.17):
- Click Reports in the sidebar.
- Select Government Reports.
- Specify the filters and options for the report.
- Click Generate or Email.
Filters and Options
The following filters and options are available for the TTB Report:
- Year — This defaults to the current calendar year, but you can change it if needed.
- Year Only/Monthly/Quarterly/Custom — Select the timeframe for the report. If you select Monthly, Quarterly, or Custom, be sure to specify the month, quarter, or date range.
You can locate when an erroneous entry occurred by using the Custom option and narrowing the specified date range each time you run the report. Once you identify the product and date to correct, you can re-run the report to ensure that the results are correct.
- Bond — If you’re in a multi-winery environment, or need to run a 5120.17 for an AP02, select the bond number that you want to generate the report for.
- Version — This defaults to Original. If you’re correcting a previously submitted report, you can change it to Amended.
- Precision — The number of decimals to use for reporting gallons for bulk and bottled wines.
- Include Inactive Stock Items — Selected by default. If selected, you can report on bottled wines that have been dispatched, or any wine that’s been deactivated, but still needs to be recorded in the report.
- I Plan to Submit This 702 to the TTB — Selected by default. Be sure to read the disclaimer.
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