The following reports enable you to determine an accurate Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for your accounting package:
- Stock Cost Detail Report (bulk and stock) — The Stock Cost Detail Report shows a detailed cost breakdown including the individual cost categories and per unit cost. The report also includes a history of all cost events that impacted the wine or stock.
- Inventory Stock Report (bulk and stock) — The Inventory Stock Report shows costing information across multiple bulk wines, finished goods, dry goods, or chemicals. Typically, you’d run this report at the end of the month to view a snapshot of your inventory at the close of business. You can select the Breakout Costing checkbox to include columns for each costing category in the CSV file.
- Wine/Juice Costing Report (bulk only) — The Wine/Juice Costing Report shows costing events and their impact on a bulk wine’s unit cost.
- Bulk Cost Summary Report (bulk only) — The Bulk Cost Summary Report shows the opening and closing balance, and all cost differentials for the specified date range. This report helps reconcile how costing was impacted by cost adjustments and winery operations. It can help provide you with information to journal COGS adjustments in your accounting package.
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