Careful record keeping throughout a reporting period increases the likelihood that your TTB Report will be ready for filing. Many wineries who file quarterly or yearly will run a TTB Report at the end of each month having no intention of filing it. Doing this provides a way to catch and correct errors early. When they run the 5120.17 for the entire reporting period, it’s less likely to contain errors.
Even with careful record keeping, you may still need to edit the preliminary 5120.17 such as when you need to include explanations for losses in Section X.
There are circumstances where you must manually move gallons around due to data entry errors that can’t be corrected in the system. If you move data from one line or column to another, you’ll need to manually adjust other cells, including your sub-totals and totals. You’ll also need to adjust your beginning balances for subsequent reporting periods until the product (bulk or bottled) is dispatched in full and the inventory goes to zero. If you have questions, contact your Compliance Officer, legal advisor, or the TTB.
If you’re reporting spirits, you must do so as proof gallons and not gallons by volume. After converting your gallons by volume into proof gallons, enter the amount in Part III - Summary of Distilled Spirits (Proof Gallons). Refer to our TTB Resources article for useful resources.
When you’re satisfied with your 5120.17, run the final version and submit it as normal.
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