Receiving Fruit
To receive fruit for a booking from the mobile app:
- Search for and view the block.
- Tap Bookings.
- Tap the booking that you want to receive fruit against.
- Tap Receive.
- Specify the details for the delivery. To weigh multiple bins, tap Bin Scale. To change the type of weigh bridge that you’re using, tap Truck Scale.
A summary of the delivery displays.
- Tap Review.
- Tap Submit.
- The Sign & Send screen displays. Sign the weigh tag.
- Tap the pencil to edit your signature or any email address.
- If you don't need to email the weigh tag to a particular party, de-select the checkbox for the party. To add additional email addresses, tap Another Email.
- If you want to receive fruit without sending the weigh tag, click the X.
- Tap Send to email the weigh tags.
The delivery displays in the Parcels tab.
Processing Fruit
To process fruit that you’ve received from the mobile app:
- Search for and view the block.
- Tap Parcels. Fruit that hasn’t been processed displays in the Ready to Process section.
- Select the fruit that you want to process. To select all fruit that’s ready to process, tap the checkbox at the top. The total amount that you’ve selected displays at the bottom.
- Tap Process Now.
- Specify the details for the process including how much you’d like to crush, additions, and vessels.
- Tap Review.
- Tap Submit.
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