If you don't need to create a work order to sanitize a tank, you can adjust the sanitation state by clicking the Sanitize checkbox on transfer operations.
When you want to write a work order to sanitize tanks, you’ll want to add an equipment treatment job.
Equipment treatment jobs can also be used when you want to create a work order to clean or check a tank.
To add a work order to sanitize tanks:
- Create a work order. When you get to the step to add a job to the work order, follow the steps below.
- From the Work Order window click Add Job.
- Select Treatment (Equipment).
The Treatment (Equipment) window displays.
- From the Treatment list, select Sanitise Tank.
- To specify the tanks that you want sanitized, click the search icon beside the Add Equipment field to find and select the tanks. The selected tanks display in the Equipment List.
If you don’t want to specify the tanks to be sanitized, the person submitting the job will be able to scan or select the tanks.
- Specify any other details that you want to include in the job.
- Click Add to Work Order. The Work Order window displays with the job that you added.
- Click Save As…
- Draft - you’re not ready for your staff to complete the work. The work order will be saved for the future.
- Ready - the work order is ready for your staff to complete.
After saving the work order as Ready, your cellar hands will be able to view and submit it from the mobile app. For details on completing submitted equipment treatment jobs, refer to our Completing an Equipment Treatment Job article.
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