The Stock Movement Report shows all stock that moved between locations during the specified date range.
You can save the report’s output to a CSV file, or email the output.
Running the Stock Movement Report
To run the Stock Movement Report:
- Click Reports in the sidebar.
- Click Inventory.
- Specify the filters and options for the report.
- Click Generate or Email.
Filters and Options
The following filters and options are available for the Stock Movement Report:
- From — The first date to include in the report. This defaults to the first day of the current month.
- To — The last date to include in the report. This defaults to the last day of the current month.
- Owner — The stock item’s owner.
- Stock Item — The stock item.
- Code Starts With — Includes stock items with a code starting with the specified characters.
- Show Equivalent — Includes stock movement with the selected volume equivalent.
- Winery — This filter is only available if you’re in a multi-winery setup. The winery to include in the report. If blank, the report includes all wineries in your setup.
- Winery Building — Includes stock movements to or from the selected building.
- Storage Area — Includes stock movements to or from the selected storage area.
- Category — The stock item’s category.
- Bin — Includes stock movements to or from the specified bin.
- Include Costs