You can find block assessments in the Assessments tab of the Block Overview window. To display the Block Overview window, do either of the following:
- Enter the block’s name in the Quick Search field.
- Click
More Options from the sidebar, then clicking Block Overview in the Harvest tile.
The block assessment lets you record information that may change against a block within a season (e.g., estimated harvest dates, tonnages), and from season to season.
Viewing an Assessment
The assessments made for the selected vintage display in the Assessments tab of the Block Overview window.
To view the information that was recorded for an assessment, click View.
Recording a New Assessment
You can make any number of assessments for a block within a season. Each time you record an assessment, any information you supply is used to build the seasonal information for the block (i.e., the Seasonal tab in the Block Overview window).
For example, if someone from the viticulture team inspects a block for quality and to make some harvest estimates, they can submit an assessment by only including the grading, producing forecast, and available forecast. When the assessment is submitted, vintrace updates the related fields on the Seasonal tab with the information and leaves the other fields as-is.
The following information from the block’s Seasonal tab will be used as default selection options when bookings are created in vintrace:
- Harvest method
- Intended use
To record a new assessment from the Block Overview window:
- Select the Assessments tab.
- Click New Assessment.
The Create Block Assessment window displays.
Although the Create Block Assessment window contains a number of fields, only the following fields are required:
- Vintage — The vintage/season the assessment is for.
- Assessment Date — The date the assessment was made.
- Assessed By — The person who made the assessment. This is not necessarily the person who is entering the data.
All other fields are optional. If a field’s value has been supplied, it helps build the seasonal information for the block. Below is a description of the other fields in the Create Block Assessment window.
- Harvest Method — This year’s preferred harvest method for the block.
- Producing Forecast — The tonnage the block will be producing this year.
- Available Forecast — The tonnage that will be available for you to make wine. This may be different from the total amount being produced.
- Expected Harvest Date — This year’s optimum harvest date.
- Earliest Harvest Date — The earliest date the block can be harvested. There may be a withholding period after certain sprays are applied.
- Intended Use — Select what you intend to use the block’s fruit for. For example, a particular style of wine.
- Grading — The fruit’s assessed quality.
- Expected Program — The program you’re anticipating the fruit to go to.
- Contract — Select a specific grower contract for the block for a given season.
- Spray Report Received — The date a spray report was received for the block.
- Spray Report — Upload the block’s spray report.
- Capital Block — Indicates whether the block is part of a capital project.
- Capital Project Number — The capital project’s reference number.
- Expected Crush Site — The winery where you expect to crush this fruit.
- Comments — Additional free text information.
- Inactive — Selecting the Inactive checkbox ignores details from this block assessment when building the block’s seasonal information.