The harvest calendar helps you plan and manage your fruit bookings over the harvest period.
To view the harvest calendar:
- Click Calendar in the sidebar.
- Click Harvest.
You can view your current bookings or time slots by month, week, or day and filter various aspects of your bookings.
If you’re viewing the calendar by month and there are 4 or more bookings, the total number of bookings for the day displays. Click the total to view the bookings.
Creating a Booking
Do one of the following to create a booking from the harvest calendar:
- Click on a particular day and time.
- Click the Plus icon, then select Schedule Fruit.
Editing a Booking
To edit a booking from the harvest calendar, click the booking and click Edit.
You can move a booking to a different day by dragging and dropping it to the appropriate day.
To change the booking times, be sure you’re viewing the harvest calendar in either week or day mode, then drag the edges of the booking.
Managing a Booking’s Tasks
If a booking hasn’t started, you can record fruit intake.
If you select a booking that has fruit received, you’ll be able to access printing and email options about the received fruit. You’ll also be able to schedule or start the extraction process by selecting Crush Press.