Equipment treatment jobs submitted from the mobile app will need to be completed from the vintrace web application.
To complete an equipment treatment job:
- From the Job Management page, click Submitted to view the submitted work orders.
- Click Complete beside the work order.
The work order and its jobs display.
- Click Complete beside the equipment treatment job.
- If there’s no discrepancy between the original job and the submitted job, the Treatment (Equipment) window displays; continue to step 5.
If there’s a mismatch between the equipment listed in the original job and the submitted job, the Operator Work Review window displays.
When the number of equipment submitted does not match the original job, the following message displays in the Warning column: The cellar hand confirmed a different number of equipment items than expected. The Affected Code(s) column displays the number of equipment expected versus the number confirmed in the submitted job.
The following warning indicates that equipment selected for the job were not included in the submitted job: These equipment items were selected when the job was created, but were not checked off by the cellar hand. The Affected Code(s) column displays the equipment that was not included in the submitted job.
If no operator notes were provided to explain the discrepancy, you should check with the cellar hand to learn why the equipment wasn’t included before clicking Save.
- From the Treatment (Equipment) window, edit the job’s details as needed.
- Click Now + Save, or specify the Date/Time then click Save.