After a wine is tiraged, the Riddling operation becomes available. The riddling operations is used to start and stop riddling.
You can access the Riddling operation from the following:
You can also add a Riddling job to a work order.
Starting Riddling
To start riddling a wine:
- In the Current Details section of the Riddling window, specify the details for the tirage group and batch that you want to riddle. If you accessed the riddling operation from a wine’s product page, the tirage group and batch will be automatically filled in.
- Confirm that the Mode is set to Start Riddling.
- If you don’t need to select the specific cages to use, click Quick Fill. Otherwise, click Add and select the cages that you want to use.
- Specify the number of bottles in each cage.
- If there was any loss, click the
calculator icon to record the loss units and volume, then select a reason from the Loss Reason list.
- From the Gyro Options section of the window, select the gyro cycle.
- Select the gyros you want to use.
- Click Save.
The wine’s Sparkling State on the product page will show Riddling. Any loss will be reflected in the number of units displayed.
Using Quick Fill to Select Cages
When you’re not concerned about the specific cages to use for riddling, you can use the Quick Fill option.
To use quick fill:
- On the General tab, click Quick Fill
The Quick Fill Bins window displays.
- In the # Bottles field, enter the number of bottles you want to put into riddling.
- Select a Fill Area.
- Click OK.
Stopping Riddling
To stop riddling, you’ll again use the riddling operation:
- Confirm that the Mode is set to Stop Riddling.
- If you want to use the existing cages, select the Use Existing Cages checkbox.
- Click Save.
The wine’s Sparkling State on the product page will show Riddled.