After you’ve set up a tank’s dip chart, there are several ways that you can use the dip calculator.
Accessing the Dip Calculator
You can access the dip calculator by clicking the Dips link when you’re performing a transfer, packaging, tirage, and transfer-related operations (e.g., press cycle, extraction, topping).
You can also access the dip calculator by clicking More Options in the sidebar, then clicking Dip Calculator in the Tools tile.
From the Tank Dip Calculator window, select the tank. This displays the selected tank’s dip chart.
Calculating the Volume from the Dip
The Calculate Volume from Dip calculator determines the tank’s volume based on its dip.
To calculate the tank’s volume based on the dip, enter the dip in the Dip field, then click the calculator.
Calculating the Dip from the Volume
The Calculating the Dip from the Volume calculator is helpful when you want to leave a certain volume in the tank.
To determine the dip that would result in a volume, enter the amount in the Calculate Dip from Volume section’s Volume field, then click the calculator.
For example, suppose we want to leave 8000 gallons in our H01 tank. To achieve this, the dip would need to be 186.
Calculating the Volume Between Two Ticks
The Calculating the Volume Between Two Ticks calculator can be used to determine the volume moved into, or out of a tank. To do this, enter the dips in Calculate Volume Between Two Ticks section's Dip One and Dip Two fields.
For example, if our starting dip is 46 and our ending dip is 124, then 5050 gallons were removed from the tank.
Calculating the Volume for Transfer
The Calculate Volume for Transfer calculator is useful when you’re transferring wine from one tank to another. Using the pre and post-dips of your tanks, this calculator determines the volume transferred out of one tank and the volume transferred into another tank. You can also use this calculator to calculate the amount lost or gained during the transfer.
To determine the volume transferred out of or into your first tank, enter its beginning and ending dip in the Pre and Post fields for Tank 1, then click the calculator.
To determine the volume transferred out of or into your second tank, select the tank. Enter its beginning and ending dip in the Pre and Post fields for Tank 2, then click the calculator.
To determine the amount transferred, and the loss or gain, click the calculator beside the Xfer field. In the example below, there was a loss of 12 gallons.