A tank map displays a bird’s-eye view of your tanks’ layout.
Refer to Selecting a Tank Map to view a different tank map. For details on setting up a tank map, refer to our Setting Up a Tank Map article.
By default, the tank map displays using the size selected when it was set up. You can zoom in and out by using the plus and minus controls in the lower right. Clicking Reset displays the tank map at its default size.
You can also reposition the tank map, by clicking and dragging it.
Each tank displays a first circle in the upper right with the number of jobs for the tank (based on the filter’s selected date range). The bar on the left side of the tank’s card provides a visual indication of the tank’s fill level. The icon below the tank’s name indicates its contents.
To view a tank’s details and metrics, hover over the card.
The details and metrics displayed will depend on how the tank map was set up.
The icon in the upper right of the tank's card lets you access different actions for the tank including viewing and editing the tank, creating a new work order, and recording an operation.
Selecting a Tank Map
To view a tank map:
- Click Tank Map from the sidebar. If the tank map that you want to view isn’t displayed, complete the following steps.
- Click the filter icon.
- From the View By section, select Tank Map from the first list.
- From the second list, select the tank map that you want to view.
- Specify the date range of the jobs that you want to include.
- Click Search.
Editing a Tank Map
To edit the tank map’s configuration, click the gear icon in the upper right, then select Edit Tank Map.
Refer to our Setting Up a Tank Map article for details on configuring a tank map.
Changing a Tank Map’s Refresh Interval
To change how frequently a tank map is updated to reflect the most recent data:
- Click the gear icon in the upper right.
- Select Edit Refresh Setting. The Auto Refresh Options window displays.
- Enter the number of minutes that you want the tank map to refresh.
- Click Save.
Viewing a Saved Search
You can also view the results of a saved search on the Tank Map page. Tanks included in results don’t display in any particular layout.
To view the results of a saved search:
- Click Tank Map from the sidebar.
- Click the filter icon.
- From the View By section, select Saved Search from the first list.
- From the second list, select the name of the saved search.
- Specify the date range of the jobs that you want to include.
- Click Search.
Highlighting Tanks
You can highlight tanks that meet the filters of a saved search in either the tank map, or in the results of a saved search. For example, you might want to highlight tanks that are fermenting on your tank map. Highlighted tanks display a blue border around them. In the example below, tanks T1-13 and T1-15 are highlighted.
In the example below, we’re displaying the tanks that meet the filters in the 2017 saved search. We’re then highlighting the tanks that meet the filters in the Fermenting saved search.
To highlight tanks:
- View the tanks in a tank map, or by using a saved search.
- From the Highlight By list, select the saved search that will determine which tanks are highlighted.
- Click Search.