The State Government Tax Class Report shows tax movements for state government tax classes.
Wines with a tax class of 14 to 16% in vintrace are included in the Not Over 16% tax class in the Federal tax report, but are included in the 14 to 21% tax class in the State tax class report.
Running the State Government Tax Class Report
To run the State Government Tax Class Report:
- Click Reports in the sidebar.
- Select Government Reports.
- Specify the filters and options for the report.
- Click Generate or Email.
Filters and Options
You can apply the following filters to the State Government Tax Class Report:
- Year — This defaults to the current calendar year, but you can change it if needed.
- Year Only/Monthly/Quarterly/Custom — Select the timeframe for the report. If you select Monthly, Quarterly, or Custom, be sure to specify the month, quarter, or date range.
- Bond — If you’re in a multi-winery environment, select the bond number that you want to generate the report for.
- Bulk Precision — The number of decimals to use for reporting gallons for bulk wines.
- Bottled Precision — The number of decimals to use for reporting gallons for bottled wines.
- Include Inactive Stock Items — Selected by default. If selected, you can report on bottled wines that have been dispatched, or any wine that’s been deactivated, but still needs to be recorded in the report.